
Award-winning reduction in cost per lead

Traditionally, lenders have made it difficult to evaluate student loan refinancing options. Enter Splash Financial, a loan marketplace that makes it easy to compare rates and empowers people to find the best rate and loan for their needs.

The Challange

Splash had a compelling value proposition, however their advertising failed to convey their point of difference.


We needed to simultaneously expand their target market while tightening their brand messaging.


We started with a messaging overhaul that better conveyed Splash’s point of difference while being mindful of financial compliance standards. Next, we completed a brand design evolution that better fit Splash’s personality and helped separate it from the pack. After an extensive Google and Meta audit, we updated targeting and keywords to better attract student loan refinancers.

The Results

We set out with one goal: Get more people to check their Refi rate with Splash—and they did.

77% reduction in the cost of a rate check per person, from $526.41 to $122.31.

Other Search highlights:

58% reduction in cost per conversion
90% increase in applications for refinancing
10% increase in branded search volume

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